Infra Tech Pacific provides comprehensive Water Safety Plans development and implementation that ensures meeting WHO Guideline for Drinking Water Quality and client’s regulatory & health criteria.
Our engineers and scientists follow is multiple barrier approach for drinking water quality protections from “Catchment to Tap': 1. Source barrier : source protection (catchment, reservoir and groundwater source protection), 2. Treatment barrier: treatment plant operation and chlorination 3. Distribution (storage water quality and residual chlorine)
We help client to develop a flexible water treatment system that can accommodate future upgrade need and technological and regulatory changes.
Drinking Water Quality Management
- Water quality protections
- Sanitary survey & water quality assessment
- Water source protection
- Regulatory compliance
- Water quality monitoring plan development
- Source water quality monitoring – catchment, reservoir and groundwater
- Treated water quality monitoring
- Distribution storage and distribution system water quality and chlorine residuals monitoring
- Laboratory analysis and data information management
Water Safety Plans
- Water safety plans development and implementation
- WHO/Drinking Water Quality Guidelines
- Sanitary survey & water quality assessment
- Water source protection plans
- Regulatory compliance planning
Source Protection
- catchment assessment and protection plans
- groundwater recharge and bores protection
- reservoir protection zones
- water quality assessment and management plans
Water Treatment Operations
- treatment operations plans
- Critical Control Points & Parameters
- conventional surface water treatment (sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, granular activated carbon) operations
- Packaged treatment systems- gravity & pressure filters
- Advanced treatment (micro-filtration, ultra-filtration & reverse osmosis)
- Groundwater treatment (iron, manganese, arsenic removal & water softening)
- Chlorination/disinfection
Distribution Systems Water Quality
- Storage reservoir and distribution system water quality management plans
- reservoir stratification, turnover and mixing analysis
- Inflow/outflow and mixing
- Residual chlorine modelling and analysis in distribution system