Infra Tech Pacific provides wastewater collection, treatment, recycling and disposal services and ensures regulatory criteria are met for public health and the environmental protection.
We work with stakeholders to identify cost effective and sustainable operations of the systems. Our service includes:
Planning, Feasibility Study & Design
- Master Planning
- Feasibility study and options evaluation
- Detail Design and Documentation
- Environmental and social assessment, approvals and safeguards
- Economics and Financial Analysis
- Tariff and rate studies
- Site geotechnical, hydrological and environmental investigation
- Climate change adaptation and vulnerability assessment
Wastewater Collection, Mains and Pump Station
- Conventional sewergae
- Alternative collection systems – simplified sewerage & bore sewerage
- Gravity mains
- Transfer pumping station & rising main
- Sewerage system hydraulic model development
- Vacuum sewer and trenchless sewer technology
- Overflow storage & protection
- Deep sewerage
- Urban & Peri-urban sanitation system
- Onsite sanitation system – septic tanks & infiltration/sockage pit
Wastewater Treatment Design & Operations
- Natural treatment system – waste stabilisation pond systems – aerobic/anaerobic, facultative ponds and maturation ponds
- Extended aeration packaged treatment system
- Conventional treatment (primary & secondary treatment; activated sludge, oxidation ditch)
- Constructed wetlands (surface & sub-surface, horizontal & vertical flow)
- MBR wastewater treatment
- Water recycling for fit-for-purpose for agriculture, golf course and urban irrigation
- Recycled Water Quality Management Plans
- Pond desludging
- Sludge drying beds
- Industrial and trade waste pretreatment
Wastewater Discharge
- River discharge outfall
- Ocean discharge outfall
- Effluent disposal pipeline design
- Discharge ports & diffusers
- Mixing Zone Assessment
- Receiving water quality modelling
- Land disposal & leaching field
Construction/Project Management
- WBS and tender Documentation
- Tender evaluations and pre-construction stage management
- construction management planning, scheduling and cost control
- owner’s representative and resident engineering
Operational Efficiency Improvement & Asset Management
- Hydraulic and energy efficiency improvement
- Maintenance management
- Asset Register and database preparation
- GIS mapping
- Treatment, conveyance and pumping systems condition and performance assessment
- Preventive maintenance and renewals planning
- Operation manuals & operators training
Trade waste Management
- Trade waste policy and management plan development
- Trade waste pretreatment systems
- Discharge quality and quantity assessment
- Fees and costing structure