Infra Tech Pacific helps client operational improvement leading to increasing hydraulic, energy and water quality efficiency, water supply system integrity and water leakage reduction. Similarly, for sewerage system, we assist client for hydraulic and treatment efficiency, effluent disposal system and performance improvement.
Also we assist asset management to answer: • What do I own? • Where is it? • What is its condition? • What is its useful life? • What is its value? We specialise in technical understanding and application of ISO 55001 across all asset classes and develop GIS-centric asset management system. Our services that are directly related to the requirements of ISO 55001 and the performance of organisations’ assets.
Our services include:
Operational Efficiency (Hydraulic, Energy, Water Quality) and Performance Improvements
- NRW Reduction
- Hydraulic integrity assessment (flow/quantity, pressure, velocity and reliability)
- Flow and pressure survey
- Water audit & leaks detection
- Hydraulic modelling and optimisation
- Hydraulic & energy efficiency improvement
- Water quality and treatment process performance and efficiency improvement
- Wastewater system hydraulics and treatment efficiency and performance improvement
- Develop operation & maintenance manual and training programs
- Regulatory compliance
Computerised Maintenance and Asset Management
- Operational Efficiency Improvement
- Maintenance Planning/Computerised maintenance planning & management
- Financial planning, tariff, rates and Willingness-to-Pay study
- Capital investment planning
- Asset Management
- Asset Register, Inventory Database and GIS Mapping
- Asset Condition and Performance Assessment and Rating System
- Preventive Maintenance and Renewals Planning
- Determine asset values, remaining useful life and replacement cost
- Asset Management Plan development
- Asset Management Policy
- Strategic Asset Management Plans