Fluvial Geomorphology & Sediment Studies

Infra Tech Pacific provides geomorphic and sediment studies of river systems to better understand catchment sediment yield, riverine sediment transport, sedimentation and impacts of dams, reservoirs and river diversion works, river training works for bridge, flood control and highway flood damage reduction works and river bed and bank erosion  and scour protection works.

Geomorphic Studies & River Engineering

  • Rural and urban catchments sediment yield studies
  • Sediment sources & budgets studies
  • Reservoir sedimentation studies
  • Stream morphology & scour analysis
  • Geomorphic studies and river bank & bed erosion protection design for bridges river training works, highways drainage and flood damage reduction, flood control levees, dikes, water intake design &  river engineering structures
  • Downstream geo-morphic impact study of dams & river diversion structures
  • River planform, profiles and cross-section evaluation
  • Geomorphic mapping
  • River & floodplain restoration studies
  • Field Sediment sampling and analysis

Fluvial Hydraulics and Sediment Transport Modelling

  • 1D and 2D  fluvial hydraulic & sediment transport modelling
  • Mobile bed hydraulics
  • River aggradation & degradation study
  • Erosion and scour assessment
  • River bank and bed erosion protection countermeasures design
  • Stable channel design