Dams are important for water supply, hydropower, flood control and irrigation. However, if the dams are not developed carefully, they can harm society, environment and river systems. Also, if they fails, cause devastating flood downstream
It has been found that over 70 % of dams failure has caused due to flooding and overtopping. Infra Tech Pacific has extensive hydrologic and hydraulic expertise for flooding and overtopping assessment and dam safety audits program development and implementation.
Through all the stages of the dam, from initial planning to feasibility, to design and construction, to upgrading of ageing dams – Infra Tech Pacific has the expertise to help you ensure that the dams are robust and safe.
Dam and Hydraulic Structure Planning & Feasibility Study
- River basin catchment hydrological study and water resources assessment
- Alternative dam sites, water intakes and diversion structures study
- Options assessment
- Pre-feasibility study
- Climate change hydrologic risk (flood and drought) assessment
- Upstream & downstream hydrological impact study
- Sediments & geomorphic assessment and reservoir sedimentation study
- Dam type and option analysis
- Reservoir sizing & inundation study
- Social impacts assessment, stakeholder engagement and resettlement study
- Baseline environmental study and impact assessment
- Economic & financial assessment of options
- Geological, seismic & geotechnical investigation & risk studies management
- Dambreak modelling and consequence assessment
- Dam Failure Impact / Consequence Category assessment
- Dam Emergency Action Plan
- Australian & International Guidelines Implementation for dams development (ANCOLD/ICOLD)
Dam/Hydraulic Structure Design & Design Management
- Detail Flood Hydrologic Analysis & Design
- Detail Hydraulic Analysis & Design
- Dam Spillway acceptable flood capacity design
- Probable Maximum Precipitation and Probable Maximum Flood Estimation
- Emergency spillway & outlet structures
- Geotechnical Investigation & Design
- Dam seepage and piping failure evaluation & control
- Water diversion and control structures
- Flood control levees and channels
Dam Safety Audit
- Dam Safety Program Development & Implementation
- Extreme events, flood risks & climate change vulnerability assessment
- Dam Inspection (routine, special, annual & comprehensive)
- Dam Safety Review (ANCOLD/ICOLD) & Hazard Rating
- Dam Safety Risks Assessment & Management Measures
- Dam safety emergency planning
- Dam Emergency Action Plans
- Flood damage risk reduction measures
- Hydraulic & Spillway Overtopping Risks
- Geotechnical Risks
- Social & Environmental Risks
- Dam Upgrade/Remedial Design & Integrity Improvement