Highway & Drainage – Planning, Flood Damage Reduction Analysis and Design
Infra Tech’s services include the following for both urban and rural roads but not limited to:
- Highway alignment & drainage feasibility study
- Hydrologic design criteria for flood damage reduction
- Highway flooding study, flood damage reduction analysis and design
- Catchment wide flood study, inundation mapping and flood control measures
- Waterways hydrology, hydraulic and geomorphic assessment
- Road slope and landslide hazards control measures
- Highway environmental impacts assessment
Urban Stormwater Management
- Integrated Stormwater Management Plans
- Stormwater water quality and harvesting
- MUSIC modelling of stormwater quality
- Water sensitive urban design measures (water retention and detention basin, swales)
- fit-for-purpose water supply, rainwater and stormwater harvesting
Urban Drainage and Flood Control Measures
- Urban drainage planning
- Flood study
- Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling
- Extreme events and design flood estimation
- Flood hazard, inundation and flood risk mapping for design ARI events
- Sediment and erosion control
- Flood damage reduction measures
- Dikes and levees design
- climate change impacts on urban flooding