In addition to comprehensive water engineering, our civil engineering services includes geotechnical engineering for site investigation and foundation design and structural engineering primarily for hydraulic and water structure design and asset condition assessment.
Geotechnical Assessment & Design
- Geotechnical investigation
- Tests pit & soil profile logs
- Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) test
- Soil bearing capacity estimation
- California bearing Ration (CBR) estimation
- Field compaction tests
- In-situ Infiltration & Percolation test
- Atterburgs Limits -liquid and plastic limit analysis
- Particle size distribution analysis
- Geotechnical Design
- Shallow foundation design
- Earth & rockfill dams and embankment
- Excavation & retaining structures
- Clay and geo-synthetic liner design
Structural Design & Assessment
Our structural services for design and assessment of hydraulic and liquid retaining structures include:
- Water tanks and liquid retaining structure design (concrete, steel and masonry)
- Water, wastewater & drainage structures, treatment plant & pump station design
- Footing & slab-on-ground design
- Hydraulic structure design
- Building and structural stability, asset condition & integrity assessment
- Design of structures – Concrete (AS 3600), Masonry (AS 3700) and Steel (As 4100)