Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction

Infra Tech Pacific provides a range of services to the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

Our  geo/environmental scientists and engineers are fully familiar with UN Climate Change Framework, UN Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 .

Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation

Our climate change resilience and adaptation services & capability includes:

  • flood and droughts hazards, risks and vulnerability assessment
  • Integrating Climate Change Adaptation at planning & design
  • Hydrologic risks and assessment of Economic Implication of floods and droughts in major sector:
    • Road and bridge
    • Agriculture
    • Water Supply and sewerage
    • Water Resource
    • Hydropower
    • Public Health
    • Urban drainage
  • Integrating climate resilience & adaptation policy
  • Technical & economic analysis, adaptation options & costing
  • Designing, monitoring & evaluation plans
  • Compliance with inter/national reporting obligations
  • Developing climate finance system for donors
  • Training practitioners
  • Engaging with stakeholders & building capacity
  • Managing adaptation programmes

Disaster Risk Reduction -DRR

Disasters destroy lives, livelihoods and infrastructure. They undermine development, create instability and reverse economic growth. DRR protects lives, health, livelihoods and assets and it enables service and business continuity when natural hazards occur.

The disaster is likely to be further exacerbated in the future due to climate change, urbanisation, migration and demographic shifts. Reducing risk and building resilience to future disasters is a priority  to save lives and also for sustainable economic growth.

Integrating disaster risk reduction into  critical sectors such as infrastructure, health, education, social protection and food security, is a key priority.

Our Disaster Risk Reduction services and capability includes:

  • Multi-hazard analysis
  • hydrologic/geological hazards and risk management
  • prevention, mitigation, preparedness, rehabilitation and disaster risk reduction and resilience in critical infrastructure
  • training, seminars, workshops and interactions on multi-hazard analysis and disaster risk management